Download eXaPhoto Publisher Today!

Finally a simple and easy way to share your digital photos with family and friends.
Sharing made as simple as sending email! Simply choose the images you want to share by selecting your favorite images or simply dragging and dropping them, and then select friends and family by entering their email addresses. Or create a unique web address for your album which is easily added to your own email client. Your friends will receive a special email with a link to your online album. You can even add a personal note. It's that easy!
Get Motivated to Share
Your Best Work
Share your best work
Our latest software gets you sharing your great photos in minutes
- Quickly set up online albums upload images up to 40 times faster than other systems
- Add and remove photos
- Rotate your photos--no more sideways pictures
- Add cool captions
- Make private or public albums--it's your choice
- Organize your online albums by creating limitless sub albums
Customize your photos
- Subscribe to albums with integrated RSS feed support
- New: Getting Started Wizard, makes getting online even easier!
- New: Display B-Viewer albums directly on your desktop as wallpaper or screen saver
- MacOS version support.
- New: iPhone & iPad Mobile Publisher available free.
eXaPhoto proudly introduces the latest version of eXaPhoto with B-Viewer!
eXaPhoto is a free, full-featured online photo publishing and sharing system. Unique to eXaPhoto is B‑Viewer, which displays received albums directly on one's PC desktop as dynamic wallpaper or a screen saver. The recipient has full control over the photos displayed, using a publish-subscribe model.
With eXaPhoto, users can share all their photos because eXaPhoto dynamically scales and uploads images in the background. Simply drag & drop an entire directory onto the Publisher and eXaPhoto automatically creates albums and uploads them for you!